Tuesday 15 February 2011

1st film opening

I have chosen to examine Taken as the begging relates to my film opening as we would also like to begin off with flash backs and slowly show the characters personality by only showing his movements and reactions from certain actions.

As the main character is wrapping up his daughters gift we can easily tell that he’s wrapping it up with precision, we then are shown a close up on his face to show how concentrated he is into wrapping the gift, in this close up we can see that he is single minded as when he sets his mind on something he wont stop till he’s satisfied with the result, this is what we are trying to achieve with our character not that he’s precise but that we can show bit of the characters personality and what type of person they are. We also want to use a flash back just like in Taken at the begging but the flash backs would be in three separate bits then having the man waking up. Again we have the Taken main character waking up in a dark room just like our character will be doing but with a light shining into his face. There isn't many Hermeneutic codes in the beginning of the Taken but there are many later on in the film.

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