Friday 29 April 2011

3rd film opening

The Godfather

The Godfather has fantastic lighting at the beginning as the light only comes from above, leaving the rest of the room in darkness, focusing on only one man in this convocation. The music helps set the mood as well, with the sound bridge used at the beginning. I picked the Godfather as it has every thing to do with gangsters and the lighting at the beginning is just what we want in our film, focusing on one man (the victim). There's a very good slow zoom out from the guys face, we used this in our film showing time, tension and drama as in our film he's trying to break free.

2nd film opening

The A-team

In the A-team, they have a very similar opening to our film as there's a man tied up, he is captured and is being interogated, the lighting in this scene is like ours as we have little light coming in our's in a dark room while there's has little light coming in through the roof of the warehouse, but there's avoids the victim leaving him in the dark so we don't see who the victim is until the later when he brakes out. the setting is like ours as well as this man is in an old, run down warehouse in a discrete location, whereas our location is also in a discrete place so no one can hear our victim. Like our film there is drama as we get our victims finger cut off while the A-team has there's victim almost shot, again like our film the henchmen leave the victim and some how the victim breaks free, but in the A-team they leave there victim to die where as we just leave him knocked out.

Things we couldn't add in our film

In the original idea we had the victim having flashbacks showing glimpses of what had happened to him and how he got here, but we couldn't add it in as our film went over the 2 minuet mark. We also was going to show the henchmen walking back into the room when the victim broken out to add more tension and keep the audience hooked, but again we had gone over the 2 minuet mark.

The storyboard

The Location

                                                                        The Dark room

This is our location of where we shot, as you can see it is very small which was a problem for us as we couldn't get the shots we wanted in, but it did help make our film look realistic.

The Script

Written by Justin Edlagan

Concept by Arjun Johal and Seb Benge 

Shot over a table with torturing equipment

Tracking shot of man tied to a chair with a bag over his head

Tracking shot behind the chair showing his hands tied up

Gang member 1: [lifts bag off victims head and hits him]

Victim: POV shot of him being hit by Gang member 1 (x2)

Gang member 1: "Where is it!"
Victim: "Wheres what!" [Spits out blood]

Gang member 1: "The CD!"

Gang member 1: [Grabs Victims neck and threatens to punch him]

Victim: "Arrgh get off!"

Over the shoulder shot of the Victim as Gang member 2 walks in followed by the Boss

Boss: "The CD!"

Victim: "I don't have it!" (In pain and unconsious)

Boss: [Walks over to Victim]

Boss: [Boss looks over to table and picks up a hack saw]

Boss: "Let's wake you up then" [Runs fingers down the blade of the saw]

Boss: [Hands over the hack saw to Gang member 1]
Gang member 1: [Walks around to the back of the Victim]

Victim: [Looking scared and it wondering on what is happening]

Gang member 1: [Begins sawing away at the Victims thumb]


[Blood drips onto floor]

Gang member 1: [Throws tumb onto the table]

[Shot of thumb landing on the table]

Boss: [Walks over to the Victim and bends down]

Boss: "Are you awake now?"

Victim: [Spits in Bosses face]

Boss: [Starts to throw a series of punches]

Boss: "Get a bat and break his legs!"

[Boss leaves with Gang Member 1 and 2]

[Shot of Victim in chair slowly zooming out as he breaks free]

[Rope drops to the floor and the film ends]

Wednesday 27 April 2011


Casting the actors was hard as we needed someone who was brilliant at acting as they would have to act in much pain to make the cutting of the finger seem realistic to the audience, for casting the roll of the boss we needed someone who looked the part, we also needed some henchmen so we need them to look like someone who you wouldn't like to meet in a dark ally. There wasn't much dialogue so we didn't need to give audition but only for the role of the victim as we needed the best of the best to act as if their finger is being cut off.

Risk assessment

When we was filming, we had a few risks as when we was cutting the victumes finger off, we could of by mistake actully cut the actor or when the boss runs his finger along the weapon, he could of cut himself, a way we got over this is that we had a member of staff watching over us when we shot thoughs secens.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Whats our film about

Our film is about a man who has just woken up and finds him self ,tied up in the a chair with weapons on the table next to him, he has been taken by the asian crime gang as the man tied up has footage to put the whole gang into prison and the gang wants the evidence to destory it, they won't stop at nothing till they destroy the footage. We need some props for this film to look believeable, we need;
1. A fake finger.
2. A potato Bag.
3. Some weapons for tourturing.
4. A old lamp.
5. Costume.
6. A wooden chair.
7. Some fake blood.
8. A table to put the weapons on.

target audience

Our target audience is a wide range ageing between 16-30, they would be in a life style of inspirer's and adventures as our genre is action with the a big crime gang. Our audience would have something that they could relate to such as the gang keeping there reputation on crime and thier status up . About 95% of the audience would be men as men tend to love action films, 5% of the audience would be women as there are some women that like action films and other women would just watch it for the good, well toned men. Research shows that, mainly men, aged between 16-30 would like action films as in these ages, stereotypical men like to see realistic fighting in there films, such as the Bourne films.

Thursday 17 February 2011

about me

Hi, my name is Arjun.

My hobbies are, playing on the Ps3, drawing, football & american football, socializing and going to the Gym.
I like watching films, I prefer to watch the action and horror genre, my favourite film of all time is Scarface, closely followed by Batman The Dark Knight.
The foods I like are, curry, fish & chips, pizza and Kfc.
I love to listen to Tinie Tempah, and other

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Tuesdays lesson

During Tusedays lesson in media we learned about two of the five codes from a French man called Roland Barthes, one of these codes is called the Hermeneutic code it is also more commonly known as the Enigma codes, this is techniques that the dierector and producers use to keep the audience hooked in the film. There are four differnt ways they do this:-
1. The Snare- this is where the dierector and the producers deliberate avoidence of the trurth where the audience are falsely lead to an answer.
2.Partial Answers- this is where the audience are given part of ther truth but not all of it.
3. Equivocation- is a mixtutre of the truth and Snare
4. Jamming- Suggesting to the audience that the problem is unsolvable.

the second code is called the Proairetic Code but more commonly known as the Action Code, this is where the character has done something and leaves the audience thinking what would happen because of this.
We then watched four different films opening and then listed what questions the dierector and the producers used in these films.

1st film opening

I have chosen to examine Taken as the begging relates to my film opening as we would also like to begin off with flash backs and slowly show the characters personality by only showing his movements and reactions from certain actions.

As the main character is wrapping up his daughters gift we can easily tell that he’s wrapping it up with precision, we then are shown a close up on his face to show how concentrated he is into wrapping the gift, in this close up we can see that he is single minded as when he sets his mind on something he wont stop till he’s satisfied with the result, this is what we are trying to achieve with our character not that he’s precise but that we can show bit of the characters personality and what type of person they are. We also want to use a flash back just like in Taken at the begging but the flash backs would be in three separate bits then having the man waking up. Again we have the Taken main character waking up in a dark room just like our character will be doing but with a light shining into his face. There isn't many Hermeneutic codes in the beginning of the Taken but there are many later on in the film.